Preserving Indigenous Knowledge in the Digital Age: Biskaabiiyaang’s Indigenous Metaverse Demo Now Available

Biskaabiiyaang: The Indigenous Metaverse Announces the Release of their Demo

The Camp: Biskaabiiyaang’s player character in the demo’s opening scene

On the occasion of Anishinaabe Giizhigad (Anishinaabe Day), we have the great pleasure to announce the release of the Biskaabiiyaang demo. It can be downloaded (for Windows and Mac) here.

This announcement coincides with a celebration hosted by Anishinabek Nation that commemorates the proclamation of the Anishinaabe Chi-Naaknigewin and the adoption of the Ngo Dwe Waangizid Anishinaabe. Attendees of this celebration were among the first to experience our demo, introduced during Professor Chacaby’s session. You can watch the livestream here at Anishinaabek Nation’s YouTube channel.

We greatly appreciate the space we were given to share our project at this wonderful celebration.

Exploring the ruins: Following the blue light, the player character is led through scenes to explore the potential of Biskaabiiyaang

In an increasingly interconnected world, the preservation and revitalization of Indigenous language and culture is of paramount importance. Biskaabiiyaang: The Indigenous Metaverse, aims to do just that, providing an immersive platform where players engage with a virtual archive of Indigenous language, traditional stories, and experience an Indigenized curriculum together. It is only through inclusive, Indigenous-led education that can we move towards cultural reclamation together.

Biskaabiiyaang, also spelled biskaabiiyang, is an Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe language) concept describing that moment of returning home after a long journey. It is a word for cultural resurgence, resisting colonial violence, and reclaiming Anishinaabe language and culture. Biskaabiiyaang: The Indigenous Metaverse hopes to achieve this through its online community. Together, we will embark on an exciting adventure, embracing the power of technology to honour and preserve our collective heritage.

Exploring the campsite: The player character stumbles across the longest word in Anishinaabemowin

From the moment you enter the demo, you'll be greeted by breath-taking natural landscapes, vibrant recreations of Anishinaabe imagery, and be introduced to the storyline. The full metaverse, currently under development, will weave together elements of gameplay, cultural narratives, and Indigenous language, creating an unparalleled experience that immerses players in a world unlike any other. Our demo starts us on a path towards Healing and Reconciliation through the metaverse.

You can download the demo (for Windows and Mac) here.

The demo introduces to you to the virtual world of Biskaabiiyaang through an orientation campsite area and trail. What was once a beautiful world bound by the magic of Anishinaabe language and culture now lies in ruin. Uncover the story and post-apocalyptic setting. Through saving the language—collecting pieces of it left behind on the trail—you can save the world.

Follow where the light leads you… Interact with objects and discover their meaning… Learn Anishinaabemowin along the way. Your adventure begins here, exploring how Indigenous knowledge can returning magic and beauty to this virtual world.

Nestled amongst the ruins, the player character uncovers a stone medicine wheel and learns of the Four Directions

As we continue to develop the full release of Biskaabiiyaang: The Indigenous Metaverse, let us celebrate Anishinaabe Giizhigad and continue to support initiatives that follow the lead of Indigenous communities, embrace digital empowerment, and foster a more inclusive and diverse metaverse landscape for all.

Mno-waawiindandaa Anishinaabe Giizhigad!

About Biskaabiiyaang 

Biskaabiiyaang is an Indigenous-led metaverse that delivers Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) language and First Nation cultural competency programs. Through partnerships with the Nokiiwin Tribal Council, York University, and metaverse builders UniVirtual, Biskaabiiyaang archives and safeguards the living heritage of Indigenous Peoples. 

The project runs in tandem with the UN International Decade of Indigenous Language and aims to support Anishinaabe resurgence by delivering Indigenous knowledge, histories, language, sciences, and philosophies in a unique, immersive environment. Through experiential education, learners explore and engage with an Indigenized curriculum and connect with community Elders during social, real-time events. Biskaabiiyaang is a safe space to learn, collaborate, and adventure together, regardless of geographical location.

To learn more, visit

For more information, contact:

Carolyn Cronin – Marketing & PR

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